

The Curiosity Zone: Episode 32 - Secure Your Junk

This week, Ditz and Steve discuss hymens, things you shouldn't do that you see in porn, some weird state laws that shouldn't be, insurance for your penis and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!

Sexy News

FYI, Hymens Don't Break

5 Times Adult Films Get Disastrously Wrong

8 Laws To Keep Women In Line That Somehow Still On The Books

Underwear Company Offers Penis Insurance

Get Your Penis Pretection Now!


My husband loves oral sex, but it takes him a very long time to orgasm. My jaw starts to get tired! Is there anything I can do to make it less painful for me?

My husband has a small penis. The sex is good, and he's very secure with himself, but I'm afraid to try certain positions. Any suggestions?

My husband’s best friend is getting married and one of the groomsmen has hired strippers for a bachelor party. I've heard nasty stories about them and the “perks” they offer. I trust my husband 100 percent, but I still worry. Am I being too jealous?

It takes me about 30 minutes to climax during sex. Is there anything I can do to help speed up the process?

Sexy Story Time

Spanked For Speeding

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