This week, Ditz and Steve go over some of your porn searches, how much sex is healthy, a few things you've always wanted to know about lesbian sex, a little bdsm and much more!!!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!
Sexy News
Consensual Sadomasochism May Actually Lead To Altered States Of Consciousness
11 Things You've Always Wanted To Know About Lesbian Sex
Mr. Skin's Anatomy Award Winners
I'm very stressed out, and sometimes when we start having sex, I lose my focus, and I have to stop. What can I do?
Lately my husband has been asking for more sexual behavior from me. But even if I try certain things, like taking nude pictures, it never seems to be enough. I feel frustrated and pressured. What do I do?
I think my husband and I have gotten so used to not having sex that it makes it difficult for both of us to initiate. How do we change and get rid of the feelings of awkwardness and hesitation?
Sexy Storytime