

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 132 - Halloween Is Here

received_10157192058128272.jpegIn this episode the guys talk about Halloween/horror movies, Slipknot's upcoming album, Teen Titans Go vs Teen Titans and so much more!This episode also features music from Avatar - "Murderer".Listen to the episode on SoundCloud / Stitcher / Google Play Music!Follow along with the show below!

Geek Shit

Slipknot Eye Summer 2019 For New Album + Touring

Warner Bros. Confirm Teen Titans GO! vs Teen Titans Crossover

Funny Tweet


Top Three things women love to suck 

️1. Dick

2. Juice out the crab legs

3. Their stomach in for a selfie

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 133 - Baby Cow Yum Yum

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 131 - Tangents Like A MF