

The Curiosity Zone: Episode 29 - The Most Amazing Hole

This week, Ditz and Steve talk about the percentage of Americans that don't know how babies are made, queefing on a bus, porn being all grown up, advice from the Dr. Ruth and much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!!

Sexy News

An Alarming Number Of People Don't Know How Babies Are Made

Teasing Over Vaginal Flatulence On School Bus

XBIZ 360 Conference In Hollywood Shows That Porn Is All Grown Up

Dr. Ruth Says If You Cheated On Your Spouse, 'Keep Your Mouth Shut'


Does size really matter when it comes to having more or less pleasure in bed?

My husband and I used to have sex every day, maybe several times a day. Now I'm lucky if we make love twice a month. Is it normal for sex drives to decrease after the wedding?

I'm happily married, but I still can't help fantasizing about this sexy guy I had a thing with back in college. Am I a bad wife?

I'm heavier than my husband, and I find it quite difficult to be on top of him during intercourse. This, however, is the position he prefers. Is there anything I can do to make being on top easier and more enjoyable for me?

Sexy Storytime

41 Degrees Celcius

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