

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 70 - Bro's and Monica's

This week our geeks talk about the upcoming Spider-Verse, photos from Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the latest trailer of X-Men: Days Of Future Past, the trailer for The Rock's 'Hercules', the much anticipated 'TMNT' trailer, things you may not have known about Street Fighter, the return of Cheech & Chong, and SO MUCH MORE!!!Listen to the episode here and follow along with us below!

Geek News

Dan Slott Unveils 'Spider-Verse,' Featuring 'Every Spider-Man Ever'

New Photos Debut of 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

Check out the latest trailer for 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past'[youtube]

Check out the trailer for 'Hercules'[youtube]

Here it is...the much anticipated trailer for Michael Bay's 'TMNT[youtube]

Seven Things You Didn't Know About Street Fighter

BONUS VIDEO - Street Fighter Red Tape[youtube]

Cheech & Chong Reunite For New Movie With Jay Chandrasekhar

AMC Developing Late-Night Series With Kevin Smith, Comic Book Men Renewed

Hot Chick Of The Week

This week's HCOTW is the Australian born singer, dancer and actress Sharni Vinson. She hasn't done much here in the states but you may have seen her in 'Step-Up 3D' and most recently in last years 'You're Next'.

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The main characters of Spongebob Squarepants are based off of the seven deadly sins.

Dolphins name themselves when they are young and keep that name until they die.

AOL is still around because people are still using dial-up.

VULVA Original is a perfume that smells like a vagina.

Funny Tweets


If Christian Bale has never cancelled a date and said "sorry to Bale on you" then I don't think he is living life to the fullest.


If these walls could talk, id know my ambien was kicking in


How I see dogs: Beagle, German Shepherd, Poodle, Maltese, Labradore. - How I see cats: cat, cat, cat, cat, cat.


Game of Thrones would be more fun if all of the naked ladies didn't look exactly like my cousins.

This episode also features music from:

Hell Yeah - "GodDamn" Download it here!

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