This week, Ditz and Steve talk about lesbian penguins, masturbation increasing life desires, sex toy exhibits, topless crusades and much much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!
Sexy News
Lesbian Penguins Pair Off In Same Sex Couple First For Aquarium in Ireland
Masturbation Helps Cultivate An Intense Desire for Life
Sex Toy Exhibition Grows Into Museum
Topless Crusader Out To Expose Stigma Of Baring Breasts
Q & A
Sometimes when having sex , my vagina makes a noise like I'm passing gas. What causes it,and how can I prevent it?
I worry about how I taste and smell when a guy goes down on me. Is there anything I should do about it?
I've heard guys have a G-Spot. How do I find it?
My guys wants to have anal sex, but that's one act I'm clueless about. Is it safe?
Sexy Story Time
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