

WARM BODIES... Zombies With Emotions? What?

by: Steve (@MisterJackalA few months ago when I heard they were working on another movie based on a book called Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, that is centered during the zombie apocalypse. Okay, sure I'm in. Then I hear it's a comedy. Hmm. Interesting, it could be like Shaun of the Dead, that movie is hilarious! Then, I was told it's a love story about a zombie that falls in love with a living human woman. OH NO! Not another Twilight.Today, I see the trailer for what I believed to be the death of all zombie movies. After watching it all I can say is... I'M IN! It looks really interesting. Hearing a zombies inner monologue and what seems to be conversations and other types of interactions between each other, is always something I was interested in watching. It's a very different take on the zombie apocalypseWarm Bodies starring Teresa Palmer (I Am Number Four), Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: First Class) , Dave Franco (21 Jump Street), John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich)  and Rob Corddry (Hot Tub Time Machine) opens in theaters February 1, 2013.[brightcove vid=1954489769001&exp3=1250536613001&surl=,AAABIWNF7qE~,EJbsvFObVfJEm7rEo1Xk3nNXqnvaIG9q&lbu=]

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