

ICG Double Feature... Indie Game: The Movie & Men In Black 3

by: Steve (@MisterJackal)Hey folks, I haven't done a movie review in a little bit and I figured its a long weekend and I did go to the cinema, so what better time to get back on the review horse and write one up for Indie Game: The Movie and Men In Black III. So here we go...Indie Game: The Movie (Documentary)Directed by James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot follow a few indie game developers that have put their money, time and mental health in order to share their creative vision with the world. It follows designer Edmond McMillen and programmer Tommy Refenes anxiously await for their first major release on the Xbox, Super Meat Boy. As well as, Phil Fish, developer of the highly anticipated game FEZ, as he unveils it to the masses at PAX. This documentary was mostly financed through two Kickstarter campaigns, the first in 2010 raised its goal in 48 hours and the second campaign reached its goal in 24 hours, closing out at over 200% of the original goal! Pretty damn impressive, huh.This documentary gives us a great look into the hard work and dedication that it takes to make a best selling video game. Seeing these creators and their love for the game and watching them going almost insane make this documentary really enjoyable. At certain moments, I started to feel bad for these creators and their situations. Which eventually turns for the best with their games being released and selling millions of units.Indie Game: The Movie is a great documentary for all the gamers out there as well as those who want to get into the business of creating their own world for the masses. I rate this 3.5 out of 5.Men In Black IIINow we have this weekends big opener, starring Will Smith (Agent J), Tommy Lee Jones (Agent K) and Josh Brolin (Young Agent K). Nearly a decade since the last, MIB3 follows pretty much the same formula of its predecessors. They are looking for an intergalactic fugitive that is looking to take over the world. But this time they bring time travel into the mix when the evil doer goes back in time and kills Agent K in the past erasing him from the future leaving Agent J as the only one who knows K is missing and something is really wrong.I was not looking forward to watching this at all but I was bored and had nothing else better to do. Having the mind-set that I did going into this, lets start off with what I didn't like. THE ENTIRE FIRST ACT! Yes, I know they were trying to build the story but there were many unfunny moments and a lot of it seemed like they were trying to hard to grab the audience. Another thing that didn't work for me was that we didn't know who the villain was and personally I could give a crap about the villain after he was introduced.Now for what I did like... THE REST OF THE MOVIE! I am not spoiling anything by saying after Agent K disappears the movie gets way better. I am not saying that Jones was doing a bad job but the story until this point was a complete snorefest. Its like someone else took over the movie and made it very enjoyable for me. There were so many genuinely funny moments throughout the rest that made up for the first act. The time travel scenes to me were reminiscent of Looney Tunes cartoons of old. The chemistry between Josh Brolin and Will Smith were great and full of laughs as well as a different look at the Agent K that we have known for the last 14 years.This movie was a great way to bring the MIB franchise full circle and I don't know if they are planning to do anymore after opening at $70 million. Men In Black III was way better than I was expecting, even after a horrible first act I rate it 3.5 out of 5!Both these films are worth checking out, so head to your nearest multiplex or independent movie theater and give them a chance.

InnerCityGeeks: Issue #2

This Week In Geek... 5/20/12