

Catching Up On... Action Comics Annual #1 and Talon #1

by: Steve (@MisterJackal)Action Comics Annual #1Written by: Sholly FinchArt by: Cully HamnerBackup Written by: Max LandisBackup Art by: Ryan SookPublisher: DC ComicsAs some of you may know, I am not a big fan of any of the Superman comics but during NYCC they announced that there were going to introduce a new villain into the mythos. So, I figured let me give it a chance.In this issue Finch introduces us to K-Man (Kryptonite Man), a man driven to destroy Superman after his life goes to the crapper because of Superman's interference. He submits himself to an experimental procedure conducted by scientist working for Lex Luthor. We also get to see the origins of John Henry Irons aka Steel. Along with great art work and an amazing coloring makes this half of the issue really enjoyable.But the thing that made this issue for me was the backup story by Max Landis. He introduces us to The Atomic Skull. These few pages show that you really don't need dialog to tell a story. Ryan Sook did an amazing job bringing The Atomic Skull to life and showing us his evolution and what they have in store for us in future issues.Talon #1Written by: Scott Synder and James T. Tynion IVArt by: Guillem MarchPublisher: DC ComicsI have been really impressed with Scott Snyder's "Night of the Owls" arc in the Batman comics and was interested to find out that he was working on a spin-off title based on a rogue Talon. This story follows Calvin Rose, an ex-Talon that returns to Gotham after hearing reports that Batman took down the Court.This book is probably one of the best number 1's in the New 52. Filled with great splash pages, awesome details and a strong story that shows lots of potential. Some may say that the story has been told before; an ex assassin returning to take down his creator but it has just a good enough foundation to have me go back to Midtown Comics next month for number 2.Both of these books are worth picking up. Personally, Talon is the better of the two but both are equally entertaining and I am really excited to see how they develop both K-Man in the Action Comics or if Calvin Rose will have any type of ties or interaction with any of the Bat-family. We will just have to wait and see.

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