What's up fellow geeks?? We got to go back to Special Edition NYC this year and once again we did some exploring and got to talk to a bunch of creators! This year we spoke with Joe Kelly & Steven T. Seagle, Ilya Dvilyanski, Daniel Roman a.k.a Danny Darko, N. Steven Harris, Valentine De Landro, and Darryl McDaniels a.k.a DMC!
Listen to the episode here, tell us what you thought, and follow our guests below!
Joe Kelly & Steven T. Seagle
Man Of Action
@JoeKellyMOA / @StevenTSeagle / www.manofaction.tv
Ilya Dvilyanski
Danny Darko
Instagram – @therealdannydarko / Twitter – @iamdannydarko
N. Steven Harris
Watson and Holmes, Ajala
@NStevenHarris / nstevenharris.deviantart.com
Valentine De Landro
Bitch Planet
@val_delandro / valentinedelandro.tumblr.com
Darryl McDaniels
@DMCMakesComics / www.dmc-comics.com / FB: DarrylMakesComics
Check out some pictures from SENYC 2015!
This episode features the song "Nerd School" from the score to Big Hero 6 by Henry Jackman, which you can buy here and the song "Beats to the Rhyme" by Run DMC! You can find the compilation of Run DMC's greatest hits here!
Disclaimer: Due to some unforeseen issues this episode of ICG will be hosted on the Good Games Podcast server. So you can listen to this episode on iTunes and Stitcher, or go directly to our RSS feed! Thank you!