A couple months ago we went to Special Edition: NYC and we were blessed to speak with a bunch of different comic book artist, writers and creators.Unfortunately, we had issues with the recordings. We have gotten passed them and now we bring you our talks with Sam & Grant Ellis, Greg Pak, Andy Diggle, Yale Stewart, Joe Kelly, Danny Darko, Amy Reeder, Mike Lilly, James Tyion IV, Eric Cooper, James Murray, Allison Strejlau and Chris Claremont!Listen to the episode here and keep up with all of our guest below!
Sam and Grant Ellis
Archer, Adventure Time, KaBOOM! Studios
@RCSComic / Robot Cowboy Samurai
Andy Diggle
Hellblazer, The Losers, Rat Catcher
Yale Stewart
@YaleStewart / jl8comic.tumblr.com
Grek Pak
Action Comics, Batman/Superman, World War Hulk
Tony S. Daniel
Batman, Detective Comics, Superman/Wonder Woman
Joe Kelly
Man Of Action, Deadpool, JLA, I Kill Giants, Ben 10
@JoeKellyMOA / www.manofaction.tv
Danny Darko
Instagram - @therealdannydarko / Twitter - @iamdannydarko
Amy Reeder
Rocket Girl, Batwoman, Madam Xanadu
Mike Lilly
Nightwing, Detective Comics, Vampirella
@mikelillyart /mikelilly.com / facebook.com/mikelillyart
James Tyion IV
Batman, Batman Eternal, The Woods
Jennifer Shilling with Wacom
Eric Cooper
Knight Seeker
James Murray
Classic Horror Comics: Curse of the Mummy Stone
Allison Strejlau
Regular Show, Adventure Time, KaBOOM Studios
Chris Claremont
X-Men, Nightcrawler
Check out some pictures from Special Edition: NYC