

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 59 - Ou Yeah, Brother!

This week our geeks bring in the new year talking about our ideas for the next Syfy movie,  Edgar Wright's tease for Ant-Man, the 148973 Steam Machines announced during CES2014, the finale of Star War: The Clone Wars coming out in comic form, Playstation Now and the new games announced by the creators of Left 4 Dead. They also touch on a sexy  surprise gone wrong, the WWE Network and much much more!!!

Listen to the episode here and check out links to everything we spoke about below!!!

Here's the trailer for Drew: The Man Behind the Poster


Geek Shit

Edgar Wright's Homework

Steam Machines of CES 2014

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Final Darth Maul Story Releasing - in Comics!

Sony Announces Game Streaming Service, Playstation Now

Here's The New Game From The Left 4 Dead Creators

Aliens: Isolation - The Most Authentic Alien Game Ever?


Rescues Save Naked Man From Appliance

WWE Officially Announces Launch of Flagship Network

Hot Chick of the Week

This week, we had a tough time choosing our HCOFW, so we decided on 2! The lovely ladies from NBC's Community, Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie.

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Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was made up in 1935 just so it could be the longest word in the dictionary.

Hulk Hogan almost joined the band "Metallica" as a bassist.

The man who invented the revolving door was inspired by his dislike of having to hold doors open for women.

Jackie Chan's mother was an opium smuggler and his father was a spy.

Benjamin Franklin wasn't trusted to write the Declaration of Independence as it was feared he would put a joke in it.

Funny Tweets


There's just 1 thing u can count on: fingers. And calculators. 2 things. Oh wait abacuses. Three. Jeez Im gonna need to make a list. Lists! Four.


Imagine you know a guy named Gary & Gary calls his car the Garymobile & insist that you do too. What I'm saying is Batman is a douche


I make a game out of going to the ATM. I press another language and if I can't get money on the first try I lose.


Steven Seagal is considering a run for Governor of Arizona...probably he misread “Arizona is mostly desert” as “Arizona is mostly dessert.”

This week's episode also features music from:

Method Man - "Bring The Pain" Download it here!

Lone Survivor: The True Story of a Tragic Mission

Generation TECH: Episode 5 - CES 2014 Recap