This week, our geeks talk about the huge rumors about the DC Cinematic Universe, possiblities of John Diggle being a Green Lantern, a brief look into E3, George R.R. Martin killing off real people, The Ramones and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along with us below!
Geek Shit
What Warner Bros/DC Comics Is Planning At Comic-Con In July
Is John Diggle Really Going To Be Green Lantern On 'Arrow'
George R.R. Martin Will Kill Off A Facebook Employee for $20,000
After 38 Years, 'Ramones' Finally Certified Gold
You can drown several hours after leaving a pool, seemingly fine, and it's called dry drowning.
Prostitutes in Brazil have been taking English classes in order to provide better services to clients during the world cup.
George Clooney deliberately played the part of Batman as gay in "Batman and Robin".
Fried chicken is a Scottish dish, brought to the southern U.S. by immigrants.
The nickname of the New Zealand national basketball team is the Tall Blacks.
Funny Tweets
What's your plan for this rap battle? "just keep rhyming his name till he can't recover" dope, here he comes *in walks a giant orange*
What's long and black? Every fucking day
"It's summer! Yay! No more school shootings!" - American children.
On average, three Americans die each year as a result of vending machines. Or as the rest of the world calls it, 'Obesity'
The French say that the orgasm is the closet to death we get without actually dying. Obvi the French have never eaten 3 day old taco bell
This episode also features music from:
The Ramones - "Blitzkreig Bop" Download it here!