This week our geeks are patiently awaiting the release of Batman: Arkham Origins and talk about their love for the Arkham games and their expectations. As well as, the recent DC Nation fiasco, the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer, the rumor castings for Edgar Wright's Ant-Man and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along with the geeks below!
Geek Shit
Batman: Arkham Origins is coming! Check out the trailer![youtube=]
Beware The Batman Pulled From CN Schedule
HOLY SH#T! Check out the trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier! Out in theaters April 4, 2014![youtube=]
Paul Rudd & Rashida Jones (former HCOTW) Said To Be Close to Signing On For Ant-Man
Facebook Allows Beheading Videos but Nipples Are Still A No-No!
Mexican Drug Lord Killed By Assassin Dress In Clown Costume
You Can't Fix Stupid
The 14 Most Baffling FCC Complaints About The Simpsons
Sarah Palin Claims Jesus Celebrated Easter (LMAO! Oh, Rene)
Hot Chick of the Week
This week, we choose out favorite walker hunter, Lauren Cohan. The US born British actress is known mostly from her roles in The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and most recently the hit series The Walking Dead!
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There will be 750 million dead people on with Facebook profiles by the year 2112.
Beaver anus extract can be used as the "natural flavor" in vanilla substitutes
40,000 Americans are injured by toilets a year
Funny Tweets
For Halloween I'm gonna talk shit to complete strangers and go as the internet
Toy Story 4 is just going to be a bunch of fat kids playing on iPads ignoring each other
Nice guys are easy to find in Japan, all the dickheads are pixelated.
This weeks episode also features music from:
TOOL - "Forty Six & 2" from their 1996 album, Aenima