This week our geeks talk about NBC's Constantine, CW's Flash, Marvel comics documentary series, Sin City 2, who is the Arkham Knight, the new Guinness record holder and so much more.Listen to the episode here and follow along below!
Geek Shit
We also spoke about Brooklyn Bullies. Check out the trailer for Brooklyn Bullies below and check them out on Facebook![youtube]
NBC's Constantine First Images Are Spot-On
First Look at The Flash Costume On Set & In Action!
SXSW: Marvel Announces Comic Documentary Films, Civil War Up First
Check out the trailer for the upcoming Sin City: A Dame To Kill For[youtube]
Meet The First Gamer To Get One Million Achievement Points
65 Songs You Will Never Be Able To Listen To The Same Way Again
How The Late 'Voice Of God' Hal Douglas Transformed Hollywood's Movie Trailers Forever
Hot DUDE Of The Week
This week we switch things up and we picked Aaron Paul as our HDOTW! YEAH BITCH![youtube]
Since the 1920's, watches are almost always set to 10:10 in commercials and posters.
The Dutch swear with diseases. Example: you are a cancer whore.
Godzilla has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. But King Kong does not.
There is a man who is addicted to going to funerals and actually quit his job to do so.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid around $21429 for each word he said in Terminator 2.
Funny Tweets
Next week on Teen Court: Lawyer: objection ur honor! Judge: objection totes denied Lawyer:smdh
Sunday is like Dexter at first its awesome, but by the end of it you're just really angry and a lot of questions go unanswered
Damn girl, are you a Snickers Bar, because you're so sweet and satisfying, and surprisingly hard and hold on, are those nuts?
"Sexism began the day God created man in his own image and women from barbecue food." #Tosh
Glad I untagged myself from all those drunk college pictures or this Facebook 'look back' movie would have somewhat of a different feel
This episode also features music from:
Chevelle - "Get Some" Download it here!