

Something For Your Earholes – Sevendust – Black Out The Sun

by: Charley (@ruperto2106)The long anticipated album from Atlanta heavy metal/hard rock band, Sevendust, drops today and if you weren’t excited for this, you should have your pulse checked. Black Out The Sun, is their ninth studio album and follow up to 2010’s Cold Day Memory, is everything you wanted and more from this definitive band.The album starts with a dark instrumental piece “Memory” which sets off a dark feeling to the album. Guitarist, John Connolly described the album as having a “darker vibe with plenty of melody”. And that’s exactly what we get as we transition to the second track “Faithless” with Lajon Witherspoon infamous voice and growl. The first lyric we hear is “Don’t run away, the gift of life is never promised for today”. Upon hearing this, my initial thought was “Damn, I really missed this band!” It was as if I was welcoming back a long lost friend. It brought back that rock-n-roll/ I don’t give a f**k feeling. It’s a great way to start this album!The first single off Black Out The Sun is “Decay”and it starts out with a head banging guitar rift. It’s a song that grabs you and never lets go. Morgan Rose’s drumming in the background does an amazing job of getting your heart pumping.Other standout tracks is the ever motivational “Mountain”, title track “Black Out The Sun” is actually a story about a dream Lajon had before making the album. It’s quite haunting and moving. “Nobody Want’s it” and “Dark AM” are other amazing tracks from this album.In the end, Black Out The Sun brings back the sound from the bands earlier albums such as Animosity, Alpha and their self titled release. This album alone can be a greatest hits collection, and for that matter I am happy to give this album a 4/5.The only thing preventing me from giving this a perfect score was that it was  only 44 minute long and left me yearning for more!Check out the video for “Decay” below.

InnerCityGeeks: Season 2 Issue #1

Something For Your Earholes - Sound City: From Real to Reel (Soundtrack)