

2013 Oscar Nominations and Predictions

by: Steve (@MisterJackal) and Charley (@ruperto2106)AMPAS Monday Nights With Oscar Screening Of "Driving Miss Daisy"Awards season is in full effect! This week, comedic genius Seth MacFarlane and the ever so talent Emma Stone announce the nominations for this years Oscars.Lincoln led the pack this year with 12 total nominations, Life of Pi came in with 11 and Silver Linings Playbook and Les Miserables both received 8 nominations.Here’s a rundown of the major categories (the one's we really care about) and who we think will be taking Oscar home on February 24th.Best PictureArgoDjango UnchainedLife Of PiLincolnZero Dark ThirtyLes MiserablesSilver Linings PlaybookBeasts of the Southern WildAmourCharley’s Prediction: ArgoSteven’s Prediciton: This year for the first time, I have seen most films nominated for Best Picture. Its a tough but I'm going with Les Miserables and Django Unchained! Yup, they are both going to win!Lead ActorDaniel Day Lewis, LincolnJoaquin Phoenix, The MasterDenzel Washington, FlightBradley Cooper, Silver Linings PlaybookHugh Jackman, Les MiserablesCharley’s Prediction: Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance was simply aspiring and magical.Steven’s Prediction: My choice is Hugh Jackman. Snikt! Snikt!Lead ActressJessica Chastain, Zero Dark ThirtyNaomi Watts, The ImpossibleJennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings PlaybookEmmanuelle Riva, AmourQuvenzhane Wallis, Beasts Of The Southern WildCharley’s Prediction: I would love to see Jennifer Lawrence win, but I think Naomi Watts wins here.Steven’s Prediction: I'm not choosing. Chastain and Watts had phenomenal performance in either film. I wish hope they have to get in the ring and fight to the death to see who is better.Quick side note. There’s some history made here with this list. Emmanuelle Riva becomes the oldest Lead Actress nominee in the history of the Oscars at age 85, while Quvenshane Wallis becomes the youngest Lead Actress nominee at age of 9. Now that that’s out of the way.Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz, Django UnchainedPhilip Seymour Hoffman, The MasterRobert DeNiro, Silver Linings PlaybookAlan Arkin, ArgoTommy Lee Jones, LincolnCharley’s Prediction: Tommy Lee Jones edges out Alan ArkinSteven’s Prediction: This is a hard choice because I really like all the actors in this category but my choice will be Christoph Waltz. He did an amazing job in Django.Supporting ActressSally Field, LincolnAnne Hathaway, Les MiserablesJacki Weaver, Silver Linings PlaybookHelen Hunt, The SessionsAmy Adams, The MasterCharley’s Prediction: From all the things I heard about her performance, I will go with Anne Hathaway on this one.Steven’s Prediction: Even though I really enjoyed Anne Hathaway's performance in Les Miserables, I feel that Helen Hunt will win just because she has a nude scene in The Sessions.Animated Feature FilmFrankenweenieThe Pirates! Band Of MisfitsWreck-It RalphParanormanBraveCharley’s Prediction: I think Wreck-It Ralph ends Pixar’s streak.Steven’s Prediction: Wreck-It Ralph is my choice not just for nostalic purposes but it was a great film and I feel is better that the other four.Animated Short FilmAdam and DogFresh GuacamoleHead over HealsMaggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"PapermanCharley's Prediction: Being the big Simpsons fan I am, I'm going with Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"Steve's Prediction: Paperman was an amazing short that took me on emotional rollercoaster in just a few minutes. Definitely my pick to win.DirectingMichael Haneke, AmourBenh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern WildAng Lee, Life of PiSteven Spielburg, LincolnDavid O. Russell, Silver Linings PlaybookCharley's Prediction: Spielburg wins here.Steve's Prediction: I would like to see Spielburg win for Lincoln, but I would not be surprised if Ang Lee gets it.Stay tuned and join us February 24th, as we live tweet during the Oscars to see if we get any of these categories right. #ICGoscars

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