by: Steve (@MisterJackal)Superman Unchained #1Written by: Scott SnyderArt by: Jim LeeBack-up Art by: Dustin NguyenPublished by: DC ComicsI have never been a big fan of Superman but with Man of Steel hitting theaters is week and Scott Snyder & Jim Lee heading up a new title, I figured now is probably the best time to give it a shot.Snyder is my favorite writer in comics today and I was really excited when DC announced Unchained during NYCC last year. Jim Lee is a legend in the comic book world, with books like Alpha Flight, X-Men, and All Star Batman and Robin under his belt, I knew it was going to be a treat for my eyes.The main story in Superman Unchained is that someone has hacked eight satellites and they are falling to Earth and Superman tries to stop them all except for one. Who is the cause of this all? Is it a cyber-terrorist group or is it Lex Luthor? Who stopped the final satellite from hitting land and causing mass destruction?This book is very entertaining and is a really good take on Superman. At this point in the Boy Scouts timeline, we see that not only has embraced his powers but he is also very intelligent and works very well under pressure. As well as, the human side of Clark that a lot of the Superman titles have been lacking. He is no longer at the Daily Planet and is doing the stories that he has always wanted to do. And even though he isn't at the Planet anymore he still has Jimmy Olsen by his side. This story also mentions a couple members of the Justice League.Like always Jim Lee does a great job bring a story to life. His style never ceases to amaze me. Clark looks like a jock with glasses and Superman looks like the bad ass hero we are used to seeing. We also get a glimpse of Lois Lane, Perry White, General Sam Lane and new interesting character.Following in the Snyder way, there is a really interesting back-up drawn by Dustin Nguyen that leaves you wanting to know what is going on and how it ties into the main story.Overall, I was really impressed with this book and I can't wait to see what else is going to happen. This is the Superman I've been waiting to see since the New 52 launched.Rating: 4.5/5