This week our geeks talk about Luther coming back to your TV screens, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage casting updates, DC battling over a soccer logo, Telltale Games "Game Of Thrones" teaser, the new Spider books coming out of Spider-Verse, Walmart price matching super low prices, some Attack On Titan live action goodness and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!
Geek Shit
"Luther" Revived For Two-Part BBC Mini Series in 2015
Marvel's "Jessica Jones" Testing For Lead
DC Argues Spanish Soccer Club Logo Is Too Much Like Batman's
Game Of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Teaser Trailer[youtube]
Wal-Mart Got Scammed Into Selling PS4 For $90
Live-Action "Attack on Titan" Cast Photos Released
Bonus Video[youtube]
Hot Chick Of The Week
This week we unwrap an old segment and make Hannah Simone the latest HCOTW. This Canadian beauty jumped onto our radar after watching a few episodes of Fox's New Girl, in which she plays opposite Zooey Deschanel. You may have also seen her in the recent remake of Oldboy, 1600 Penn, H+, Kojak and you'll see her below.
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It's "illegal" to have sex in Florida in any position other than Missionary.
In 1932, the Australian military fought, and lost, a war with a flock of emus.
Nearly 1/4 of the worlds mammal species are bats, the biggest is called a flying fox.
France performed executions with the Guillotine as late as 1977
Funny Tweets
I want to see a documentary about Morgan Freeman that is narrated by wild animals.
We have cars that park themselves but I still gotta wave my hand 15 times before a paper towel comes out the dispenser
*Eating ice cream in the winter* THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY.
I'm usually down with cults until the main dude says "okay now I'm gonna bang all your wives" because I'm like "bro, but these are MY wives"
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