

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 95 - Let's Smash

This week our geeks talk about the buzz behind the recent rumors for DC's Suicide Squad movie, Toby Kebbell's preparation for Dr. Doom, the title revelation for Star Wars, a Young Justice fan film, Sony's new TV service and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!

Geek Shit

Margot Robbie To Play Harley Quinn In Suicide Squad Movie

Jared Leto Circling Joker Role In Warner Bros.' Suicide Squad

Toby Kebbell Talks Doctor Doom


Star Wars Episode VII Officially Has a Title 

Teen Titans: Birthright



 Saint Nicolas is the patron saint of prostitutes.

Scorpions glow under blacklight.

Funny Tweets


When I see lovers' names carved in a tree, I don't think it's cute. I just find it strange how many people have knives on a date.


"Bleach, you've done such a good job on pools & whites we're promoting you to a tougher job." "Don't say assholes don't sa-" "it's assholes!"

This episode also features music from:

Foo Fighters - "Outside" Download it here!

Good Games Podcast: Episode 25 - Quarter Eater

Figma Iron Man MK 7 & Full Spec - Toy Review - #geekapproved