

Good Games Podcast: Episode 15 - The Chosen Path

GoodGamesPodcastThis week, Frank and Alex talk about the Arkham Knight delay (!), next-gen upgrades for Destiny, Nintendo/Bayonetta brand synergy, the Mortal Kombat X release date, and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!

What We've Been Playing

Velocity 2X

Mega Man X5


Final Fantasy X-2



Batman: Arkham Knight Will Be Out On June 2

Destiny: Buy Last-Gen Version, Get Next-Gen Free

Yup, That's Bayonetta In A Star Fox Costume

Mortal Kombat X hits April 2015 with Goro as a pre-order exclusive

Follow the show on Twitter, @goodgamepodcastThis week's episode features Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song. Download it here!You can also listen to the Good Games Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher, or subscribe directly to our RSS feed!

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