

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 88 - Swaggerific Rambro

This week our geeks talk about The Rock being Black Adam, the new Catwoman, another villain added to "The Flash" roster, Donald Glover as Miles Morales in Ultimate Spider-Man and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!

Geek Shit

Dwayne Johnson To Black Adam In New Line's 'Shazam'

New Writer Gives Catwoman 'Pulpy', 'Noir'... And A New Catwoman??

"Prison Break" Stars To Reunite As Villains On "The Flash"

Donald Glover Is Miles Morales, Spider-Man


J-Law, Kate Upton, Nudes Leak: Web Explodes Over Hacked Celeb Pics

Malaysia Airlines Mocked For Bucket-List Challenge


Every time you look at the Moon, you are looking 1.3 seconds into the past.

You have a better chance of getting accepted to Stanford University than getting hired by Apple.

A professional rugby player had his scrotum torn open during a match, had it sewn back together on the bench.

There is a ram in New Zealand that has been featured on CNN and is famous for attacking hikers, earning him the nickname 'Rambro'.

Funny Tweets


Hot dogs were invented in 1936 by Larry Hotdogs when he accidentally dropped a bag of prize-winning pig assholes in his Dick Shaper Machine


Blue Ivy not even 3 and got 106 and Park cancelled.. We been trying to do that last 10 years. She the "Chosen One".


I'm in the Guinness book. Not the world records one, the one at the brewery that's says which people are not allowed back.

Your boobs inspired the following poem: Umm...What?

This weeks episode also features music from:

Childish Gambino - "I. Crawl" Download it here!

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