

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 80 - Best Worst Power Ever

This week, our geeks talk about the first trailer for The Strain, Doctor Strange getting a director, Josh Trank doing a Star Wars stand alone, strong female castings in Star Wars, Disney Princess Leia, Jupiter 'descending', the new Mortal Kombat, a revolutionary development for the bedroom and so much more.

Listen to the episode here and follow along below.

Geek Shit

New Full Trailer for Guillermo Del Toro's The Strain

Marvel's Doctor Strange To Be Directed By Scott Derrickson

Fantastic Four's Josh Trank to Direct Star Wars Standalone Film

Lupita Nyong'o & Gwendoline Christie Added To Star Wars Episode VII

J.J. Abrams Refutes -- And Confirms

Meet The New Disney Princess...Leia

With 'Jupiter Ascending' Pushed Back, Has Luck Run Out For The Wachowskis

What the trailer for Mortal Kombat X![youtube]

The Futuristic Condom Covers Just The Tip


Bad handwriting? Keep this in mind: more intelligent people tend to think faster, and as a result their handwriting is more sloppy.

Grand Central Station in New York is more radioactive than a nuclear power plant due to its granite construction.

The word "junkie" originates from the 1920's when drug addicts stole scrap metal to fund their addiction.

Before he directed Night of the Living Dead, George Romero was a director for the children's show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

The pilot episode of LOST was so expensive ($14 Million) that the network president was fired for greenlighting it.

Funny Tweets


Is it just me.... or does a "Klondike Bar" sound like a place where Racist Lesbians go to grab a drink...?


Usually chocolate makes me hyper but my dog ate a pack of Snickers and he’s been asleep for hours. Haha wake up so we can play, little guy.


Can we have a quick moment of silence for all of the forgotten amazingly funny tweets we think of in the shower but forget when we get out.


If cartoons are a reliable guide, the secret to never ageing is wearing the same clothes every day


Relationship Status: Watching Shake Weight commercials and getting turned on.

This weeks episode also features music from:

Deep Purple - "Highway Star" Download it here!

S.H. Figuarts Son Gokou - Toy Review - #geekapproved

Good Games: Episode 1 - Tutorial