

InnerCityGeeks Podcast: Episode 60 - Ovarian Loop

This week, our geeks talk about Michael Douglas being cast as Hank Pym, lots of Star Wars stuff, Chris Claremont's Nightcrawler, video game speed runs, new Chrome updates, why Brian died on Family Guy, and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along with the geeks below!

Geek Shit

Micheal Douglas to Star As Hank Pym in Marvel's Ant-Man

'Star Wars' Rumors: Who Is J.J. Abrams Eyeing for Episode VII?

Lucasfilms Finally Defining 'Star Wars' Canon

Nightcrawler Returns To His Own Ongoing Series From Chris Claremont

Awesome Games Done Quick 2014 Reminder

Check out all the speed runs here

Chrome Now Has A Noisy Tab Indicator And A Virtual Desktop 'Chrome OS' for Windows

Seth MacFarlane Break Silence On Why He Killed Brian: Didn't Expect 'Rage"

Hot Chick of the Week

This weeks HCOTW is the awesome and talented Rooney Mara. We all know her from her outstanding roles in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Prometheus, Side Effects and most recently Her.

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The mascot for the Rhode Island School of Design is "Scrotie The Scrotum". And yes, there is a mascot for school spirit.

29% of women spend more time shopping for shoes than they do for a lifelong mate.

The light roast coffee has more caffeine than the dark roast.

A French chemist unboiled an egg.

Funny Tweets


"Is this the burn ward?" "Yes can I help you?" "You need to admit my mom, I told her that her casserole was ass-erole." "Stop calling here."


I ate a bunch if Indian food and a lot of creations and I'm going to paint a masterpiece


She texted me: "Your adorable.”

I replied: "No .YOU'RE adorable."

Now she likes me.

All I did was point out her typo


A smart way to avoid traffic tickets is to name each of your boobs license and registration, ladies

This weeks episode also features music from:

Deftones - "Tempest" Download it here!

This Week in Comics - 1/23/14

Alex's Top 5 Albums