

Up, Up And Away! The MAN OF STEEL Trailer is Finally Here!

by: Steve (@MisterJackal)man-of-steel-poster-bannerLast week, Warner Bros. Pictures released the somewhat disappointing poster for the upcoming reboot of the Superman franchise, Man Of Steel. (That's my opinion, don't hate me for it!) So today, they released the official trailer!I must say... I AM EXCITED! Here it is! Check it out and let us know what you think! is Zack Snyder Man Of Steel, stars Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Russell Crowe as Jor-El, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Lawrence Fishburn as Perry White and Michael Shannon as General Zod and swoops into theaters June 14, 2013.

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