by: Steve (@MisterJackal)People always say metal is so loud and makes no sense. Those people obviously have never listen to an album from the Deftones. With beautifully mastered melodies, dark romanticism, exotic undertones and heavy hitting riffs; Deftones have delivered 3 Platinum albums (Adrenaline, Around the Fur and White Pony) and don't fail to amaze with their latest release Koi No Yokan. Unfortunately, this album is their second release without bassist Chi Cheng, who is still recovering from a near fatal car accident in 2008.Koi No Yokan when roughly translated from Japanese, means "Premonition of Love" or "Anticipation of Love", and is an accurate depiction of this album. It opens strong with "Swerve City," a perfect mixture of a heavy riff followed by the deeply melodic vocals of Chino Moreno which sets the tone for the entire album. "Leathers," leaps at you like predator on its prey full of aggression and intense lyrics like "Revolt, Resist! Open you chest, look down, reach in.Shedding your skin, showing your texture. Time to let everything inside show. You’re cutting all ties now and forever time to let everything outside you," making it my favorite track on this album. Some other standout tracks are "Romantic Dreams," the haunting "Entombed," "Graphic Nature," "Tempest," and the reflective "Rosemary."Koi No Yokan is an masterpiece! Deftones bring a full range of sound from beginning to end and some hard hitting lyrics that still amaze me. This album is going to be on repeat for quite some time.Rating: 5/5They never released a video for their lead single "Leathers," but here is the audio they released for it. ENJOY!