So once again that special time of year falls upon us...In just about 24 hours from the time this article is up for you geeks to read, It'll be February 14th aka Valentines day. I just wanted to share some images as well as some thoughts with you...When spending time with the person you care about the most, take note and capture the moment. It could be your best friend,your rival,or your partner or even the person or pet who impacts your life the most! Sit back and reflect on who makes you the happiest and that person or pet can be your valentine! You may fight with said individual or maybe even disagree with them,however both parties know that they are cared for! Whether it is Peter and Lois,Homer and Marge or Clark Kent and Lois Lane, there is always a great love out there that is a great match for each other. I for example have been extremely lucky this last year and will cherish each great moment! I just also would like to wish each of my ICG family a Happy Valentines day as I love these guys! From the Good Games guys to my ICGPW Slamcast buddies, I have never felt more loved by a great group of individuals and part of an incredible family. They have treated me like a brother since day 1 and I will forever be grateful! So with that being said.... We here at the Inner City Geeks family would like to wish both you and your loved ones an incredible Happy Valentines day!-Brian-