by: Charley (@ruperto2106)Maps, the new EP from NYC based band was released on Tuesday, September 23 to great anticipation as our last conversation with lead singer and guitarist Dan Tucker and drummer Simon Fishburn (Episode 76 of the InnerCityGeeks Podcast) left us wanting more and wondering when we would be able to hear these new tunes.Well now we know why we had to wait. It takes time and patience to create a masterpiece. That's exactly what we have here. Each of the 4 songs on this EP is a work of musical art in its own right. Each track is a bonafide hit. Maps also makes the bands first recording with their current line-up and first recording with new bassist Matt Basile. It’s this new lineup that gives the band the best sounding and best music released to date.The EP starts with “Say Something New”. Right off the bat we are introduced to Dan’s smooth vocals on a very catchy tune. It starts with an old school, familiar, safe riff, but then we sense a little bit of angst thrown in and we’ve come to the realization that this new lineup isn’t playing it safe anymore. They are in fact doing something new with Dan’s vocals combining with Simon’s rhythmic drumming and Matt’s bass that gives us only a small taste of what can only be described as musical perfection fit for any human soul. Making “Thoughts into Sound” is something that these guys have done extremely well and perfected in this opening track.“Creatures” is the second and favorite track on the EP. As Steven (@misterjackal) simply puts it, “This is my Jam!” The second this track starts, my body is already moving. My head nodding, my fingers start to twitch and move like I am suddenly playing air guitar in my bedroom when I think no one’s watching, my leg bouncing trying to keep in time with the rhythm. It’s just a perfect song so lose yourself and to let loose. I’m doing all this and the vocals haven’t kicked in yet. This track is a rock purist dream.David Bowie is nothing short of a musical genius and legend. So if you have the balls to do a cover of any one of his songs, you better make sure you know what you’re doing and do it perfectly. The third track on Maps is “Dead Man Walking” from David Bowie’s 1997 release Earthling, which was written by Bowie and Reeves Gabrels. Soapbox Army gives us an awesome trippy, somewhat electric, yet stripped down, simplified version that excels and makes it their very own. If there were any lingering questions about Dan’s vocal abilities, they are put to rest here, as his voice projects beautifully. This is Dan Tucker at his vocal best.The last track on this EP is "Brick Moon". It immediately picks the tempo right up. You can honestly hear how much fun this trio had recording this track. The guitar and drum work highlights this fun and catchy track.Another 5 out 5 Star rating, the Maps Ep took us on a fun and memorable, yet sadly short journey that left us only wanting, craving more. This is the band at their best. The only scary thing is, that Soapbox Army, has yet to hit their ceiling. If Maps is any indication, this band is one to watch, and listen for in the very near future, as I feel they will only get better. Much, much better.Do yourselves a favor and listen to Soapbox Army’s EP on Soundcloud, or download it on Itunes, Amazon and wherever you can get your music from. You won’t be disappointed.