This week our geeks talk about the animated Justice League mini series for Machinima, the continuing Abrams Snyder twitter war, the new animated Popeye test footage, Fox's announcement of Deadpool, Kayne West being completely tool, an 18 year old making weird decisions with your pizza and so much more!Listen to the episode here and follow along below!
Geek ShitMachinima Lands Exclusive Animated ‘Justice League’ Series
JJ Abrams tweets a 'Hunka Junk' to Zack Snyder!
Popeye Animated Test Footge
Fox Delays Fantastic Four, Greenlights Deadpool for 2016
Kanye West Stops In Middle Of Song To Yell At Kid In Wheelechair, "Stand Up"
**BONUS**Vulvatron Is Gwar's New Vocalist
18 Year Old Kid Gets Caught Rubbing His Balls On Take Out Pizza
@WhatTheFFactsThe word "geek" comes from "geck" which means "fool" or "freak" in Middle Low German.
In 1932 a man named Thomas Earl was fired from his job, mauled by a bear, and shot by police in the same day.
Van Gogh's masterpiece Starry Night is a depiction of the view from the window of his mental institution room.
Professional porn censors in China get paid to watch over 150 pornographic DVDs each week, start to finish. #WTF
Funny Tweets@murrman5[shows up late for first day of new job] *blames it on rush hour* [shows up late for second day of new job] *blames it on rush hour 2*
@batmanofnightWhat do you get the bat who has everything? How about unmurdered parents, you douchebag.
@FunnyQuoteesnormal people:-sings lyrics
me:-sings lyrics-sings backup vocals-sings guitar riffs-plays air drum the entire song-head-bangs
@philandher96Does your pussy come on vinyl?~hipster sext
This episode also features music from:
Tenacious D - "Low Hanging Fruit" Download it here!