This week, our geeks talk about PS4's week one failures, day one console updates and the crappy possible titles for Batman v. Superman. They also talk about Mickey Mouse, Logitec mobile controllers, inappropriate touching in Walmart and soo much more.Listen to the episode here and follow along below.
Geek Shit
Sony Says PS4 Failures Have Varying Causes, Affects Less Than 1 Percent of Units
How The Internet Ruined Game Consoles
Report: 35 Possible SUPERMAN/BATMAN Movie Titles Registered
Mickey Mouse's Birthday: 85 Things To Thank The 85 Year Old Cartoon Icon For
The Logitech Powershell Sure Beats Crappy iPhone Touch Controls
Man Arrest For Naked Masturbation Session Inside Walmart Women's Bathroom
You Can't Fix Stupid
Walmart Ask Customers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees
Hot Chick Of The Week
This weeks HCOTW is the lovely Jewel Staite. This Canada born actress has been in numerous television programs such as Stargate: Atlantis, The Killing, The LA Complex and most importantly Firefly!
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A study done by Columbia University concluded Crocs are shoes for people who've given up
Video games make more money annually than Hollywood films
In America, you are more likely to be killed by a toddler than a terrorist
In 1990, New Zealand became the first country in the modern world to appoint an Official Wizard
Funny Tweets
Yeah, I can't believe a shitty teenager making minimum wage at a coffee shop spelled your name wrong on your cup either
I love our new home. LA is such a safe place and a- *a dog drives by holding a pistol playing tupac in an el camino* Denise, honey get in the car.
Some guy knocked on my door asking for a small donation for the local pool. I gave him a glass of water.
A cold apple pie doesn't feel the same
This weeks episode features music from:
Five Finger Death Punch - "My Heart Lied" Download it here!