

InnerCityGeeks Guide To New York Comic Con

by: Steve (@MisterJackal)New York Comic Con is approaching! Just like many other conventions there are tons of do's and don'ts that will make or break you geek adventure. But unlike any other geekstravaganza, this one takes place in New York F*CK'N City! So be prepared and check out some tips from us the InnerCityGeeks.Be Comfortable!Once you enter the Jacob Javits Center, unless you are going to be sitting in the IGN Theater the whole day, you will be on your feet ALL DAY! Make sure you wear your most comfy pair of sneakers, a regular pair of jeans and a tee or a sweater, depending on the weather. If you are cosplaying, try to wear something that you won't be falling out of. Even though there will be plenty that will appreciate the wardrobe malfunctions, I'm sure you don't want your assets to be all over the internet. Also, remember it is the middle of October in New York City, hopefully the weather will be beautiful like that last few years but don't forget it could get really cold. Lets just pray to the gods that it doesn't.Be CourteousGuys, if you see a girl in cosplay and you want to take a picture with her, PLEASE ASK! I am sure she will be fine with it, if not just say thank you and walk away. Understand they have probably been walking around taking pictures all day and haven't been really able to enjoy the con completely because one person decided to stop them to take a picture and then 18 other people piggy backed off of that chance to take a picture too, delaying her from getting to the Walking Dead panel that started at 3 and now she is stuck going to see How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse instead.Please don't cut in line. A lot of the people already on line have been waiting for a while and even though we are geeks and won't make a big fuss about it, we will get upset and might poke you in the eye with a replica Hermione wand. Always make sure you ask "Hey, is this the end of the line?" or "What's this line for?" because the last thing you want to do is be on a line for something that you don't want to attend and possibly not get into the panel or signing you originally wanted to go to.Bring Your LunchThe food and drinks at the Javits are expensive and if you are willing to spend $20 or more on something that won't satisfy you by all means do so. There are also plenty of other places around 34th Street where you can eat (Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, Five Guys, Chipotle, Friday's, Subway, a few diners, restaurants and deli's all within 5 blocks of the convention center). Or you can brown bag it and bring a sandwich or something that will hold you over until you leave.Have A BudgetThere are TONS of things to purchase at NYCC! Make sure you budget yourself because if you don't you will be left with just enough to get back on the subway. Things at NYCC could be really expensive, my best advice would be to wait until Sunday when most of the vendors drop their prices because they are looking to get rid of stuff because they don't want to lug it back to their warehouse or store.But if you aren't planning on being at the convention all weekend (which I don't see why you wouldn't), make sure you search for the bargains. there are lots of different vendors selling the same thing at different price points. So, you may see an anime box set for $150 at one table and at the next one you will find the exact same things $10 to $15 cheaper. Take your time and search, you don't want to wind up regretting your purchase.Set A ScheduleThere are tons of events going on at going on all weekend. Here is a link to all the Panels and Screenings going on the entire weekend. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!NYCC Panel and ScreeningsDon't Be That GuyWe know that during panels people can get excited to see your favorite artists or celebrities but during the Q&A portion is not the opportune time to for a marriage proposal or asking for an autograph or to take a picture with them or any of that. There are allotted times for all of that.If your have a valid question, keep in mind there are other people in line waiting to ask questions. Try to limit your question to two, that way more people are able to ask their questions and we might get some really cool answers that we can tweet about.HygieneI hope I don't need to continue to emphasize that NYCC is a all day all weekend event. Make sure you stay fresh and hydrated. There are thousands of people in a enclosed area, try your best to maintain the B.O. to a minimum. I know it may not be too healthy to wear antiperspirant but if you begin to smell yourself as you walk around; go to the bathroom and freshen up. Baby wipes work wonders! Also, drink a lot of water because even though you aren't overly exerting yourself, it does get hot and you will sweat. Bring an water bottle or seek out water fountains through out the Javits Center.SOCIALIZE AND HAVE FUN!Unless all your friends are geeks, how often do you spend all 4 Days at an event with people that are into a lot of the things you are into. Talk to people, share your con experiences, ask questions and make friends.  Being a geek can be a little awkward at times but like I said you are in a building full with other people just like you. It shouldn't be too hard to find someone to debate who would win in a fight between a Cyberman and a Cylon. (Hmmmm... interesting) So, get out of your comfort zone for a couple days and have fun.I hope you guys take some of these tips into consideration, especially if its your first time experiencing one of the biggest comic convention on the East Coast.

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